People’s Manifesto on Debt - email your candidates

The election campaign is well under way and it's our chance to make sure that whoever is elected puts tackling the UK’s household debt crisis at the top of their priorities.

Over 10 million people in the UK are heavily weighed down by debt and many of us are being forced to make the kind of stark financial choices that no-one should have to make.

This has to change! Whoever gets in at the next election must take serious action or people will be saddled with debt for years to come.

Send a message to your MP candidates telling them to take action to bring down the debt if they win their seat.

Here is the letter

Dear parliamentary candidates,

We’re in the midst of a debt crisis, where paying for the basic essentials can be all it takes to become trapped in debt. I live in this constituency and I am asking you: do not wait until whether you are elected to speak up for people in debt.

Over 10 million people in the UK are heavily weighed down by debt, nearly a third more than in 2017, demonstrating that the household debt crisis is a structural economic problem that requires political leadership.

Once people are pushed into debt and poverty, it is difficult to get out. Some debt collection processes, such as council tax collection, can incur additional court and bailiff fees, leaving people deeper in debt. Debt also has a devastating and lasting effect on people’s mental and physical health.

The build-up of unpayable debt is weighing down our communities, and will act as a weight on the economy for years to come unless whoever is elected recognises the severity of the personal debt crisis  and takes action.

Over the past few months, hundreds of people with experience of debt have come together to demand changes to the current system as part of Debt Justice ‘Together Against Debt – People’s Manifesto’, demanding:

  • Fair ways to get out of debt
  • To be treated with dignity and an end to intimidation from bailiffs and creditors
  • Not to be forced into debt just to cover the essentials.

Will you read the manifesto and commit to tackling the debt crisis?
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to reading your response.
