Cancel the debt

Right now, 54 lower-income countries are in a debt crisis – trapped by unfair debts.

It’s the biggest global debt crisis in over 30 years. Millions of people in the poorest countries in the world are being robbed of an education and healthcare because their governments are being forced to choose between debt repayments and essential services.

Meanwhile, some of the world’s richest banks and hedge funds are raking in eye-watering profits.

In the UK we have the power to stop this injustice with a new law. Because 90% of lending to the lowest-income countries is enforced through UK courts. A new law here could force greedy lenders to cancel unfair debt. But it will only happen if enough of us act.

Add your name now. Together we can change the law and win justice for millions.
  • Carl M 21.09.2024 00:29
  • Monica R 20.09.2024 22:44
  • Charlotte a 20.09.2024 22:35
  • Babiker Y 20.09.2024 21:33
  • Jill B 20.09.2024 21:31
  • Masoodul H 20.09.2024 20:59